Thorsborne Trail Hinchinbrook Island ferry transfer cost:
$210 adult (BOTH ways)
Check Permit Availability
- Click Here to open the Parks Permits area. Opens in a new tab so you can refer back here for further instructions
- Ignore the first row, and go to Select park. Tip: type "hinc" into the field and you can easily select "Hinchinbrook Island NP, Thorsborne Trail" (but not "Hinchinbrook Island National Park")
- Select your preferred start date
- Hit "Search"
- Scroll down and click on the Green Button that says "Check Availability"
- A popup will appear showing 3-14 days depending on your device, starting with the date you selected. Find your preferred dates that are available, or change the date and hit the search button. Proceed to booking when you find "your" dates.
Why Thorsborne?
Thorsborne Trail is world famous not because of a destination flooded with travelers but for quite the opposite. The regulated number of trail walkers gives you the chance to connect with and appreciate the raw beauty of a tropical island regarded by many as one of Australia’s premier walks! There is no infrastructure except food boxes and toilets for your convenience at the campsites. It is Nature at its best! We are a ferry business that operates to both the Northern and Southern access points of the Thorsborne Trail from Lucinda.
Departure Times Going TO Hinchinbrook Island
8am from Dungeness. This departure is NOT tide-dependent. (directions)
Mid-morning from the end of Cardwell jetty. This departure is tide-dependent. Check with Operator!
Pickup Times. Coming FROM Hinchinbrook Island. (CLICK/TAP HERE!)
We understand that for you to organise your travel itinerary you need to see the times that we are bringing you back to the mainland.
Pick up times are consistent with you the hiker crossing Mulligans Creek 30 mins prior to the pick up time. This allows you the time to enjoy your last morning at Mulligans falls and cross Mulligan creek at a safe time.
TIMES are all now on the “Departure & Pickup Times” page
Thorsborne Trail Hotspots
Places like Nina peak, Nina Bay, Zoe Falls (only 900 hundred metres from your beach campsite) are just a few of the treats that Hinchinbrook has to offer. The trail has two points of entry or departure. Ramsey Bay boardwalk is at the northern end of the island and George point is at the southern end close to Dungeness on the mainland. You can either walk north to south or south to north or only part of the trail and return to the place you began. Three nights, four days are recommended to be the minimal time to walk the entire trail. Although we are flexible the ‘tide waits for no man’ rule should be noted for crossing the many tidal creeks while walking the trail. We operate from Lucinda, on the mainland near the south end, close to the varied accommodations used by many trail walkers. Also the seasonal attractions such as filter sharks, rays, Manta rays, Dugong,Turtles and even the Humpback whales, not to mention the terrestrial animals that call this place home.
Our Trip Plan
We can transfer you to Ramsey Bay through the majestic Hinchinbrook Channel from Lucinda. This allows you, the hiker to leave your car safely at Lucinda while you are hiking the Thorsborne Trail. When you have finished your hike at George Point, you are only 10 minutes away from your car where you began in Lucinda. Absolutely no need to catch a shuttle bus back to your vehicle in Cardwell, which our pricing reflects. Lucinda to Ramsey Bay 1h45m, George Point to Lucinda 10 minutes.
(Yes, we will pickup and return to Cardwell, but CONDITION APPLY)
Click here for DEPARTURE & PICKUP TIMES (opens in new tab)

Our Return Trip Pricing
17 Years and above
5 – 16 Years
0-4 years old Travel FREE

Why Thorsborne Trail?
Fresh Water Sources
Spectacular beaches, lookouts, experience multiple environments
Seasonal attractions such as filter sharks, rays, Manta rays, Dugong,Turtles and even the Humpback whales, not to mention the terrestrial animals that call this place home.
Special Note:
Got your hiking permits? No worries… just scroll down or go to our booking page for your transfer options.
Get ready for an adventure hiking the Thorsborne Trail.
Gas Gas cannisters for the Thorsborne Trail are available from Absolute North Charters – enquire to make sure “your” type is in stock
Essential local knowledge provided by Skipper John Absolute North Charters.
Thorsborne Trail
"Thorsborne Trail" App...
This is the ONLY app for hikers either walking or thinking of walking the iconic Thorsborne Trail.
Click/Tap Here for more details
Don't leave home without it!

Check Permit Availability
- Click Here to open the Parks Permits area. Opens in a new tab so you can refer back here for further instructions
- Ignore the first row, and go to Select park. Tip: type "hinc" into the field and you can easily select "Hinchinbrook Island NP, Thorsborne Trail" (but not "Hinchinbrook Island National Park")
- Select your preferred start date
- Hit "Search"
- Scroll down and click on the Green Button that says "Check Availability"
- A popup will appear showing 3-14 days depending on your device, starting with the date you selected. Find your preferred dates that are available, or change the date and hit the search button. Proceed to booking when you find "your" dates.
Cancellation Policy
We give a full refund for whatever reason that you cannot hike the trail. **(see Note below)
However, you must cancel your camping permit for the dates you have previously booked well before your departure as it is imperative that other people have the chance to fill vacated positions on the trail.
Our cancellation policy is aligned with Parks & Wildlife. You then need to forward your confirmation email of your cancellation from National Parks to Absolute North Charters at least TWO FULL DAYS (48 hours) BEFORE your booked departure in order to be eligible for a refund.
If National Parks themselves close the park we waive the need for you to forward their cancellation confirmation.
There is a fixed number of permits issued for people allowed on the trail at any given time. So please consider other people's desire to hike the trail in the event you need to cancel.
**Note: Trail RUNNERS:
Due to the fact that Trail Runners do not need a Thorsborne Trail permit to run the Thorsborne Trail which means they do not contribute to the upkeep of the Thorsborne Trail, they are exempt from our very generous refund policy for hikers that actually have a permit. Therefore NO REFUNDS will be given to Thorseborne Trail runners under any circumstances.
(Voice message works best with Chrome/Safari)